Why am I not working on the Greysuits sequel?
(nlg) Status Update #3
I recently found out many of you who are new here probably found out about Greysuits from David VanDyke’s newsletter.
I reached out to he and his wife, Beth, who manages their email newsletter, to say thank you and to let them know what a huge bump in downloads came from that one mention. It’s pretty amazing what an established author with a sizable fanbase can do for a newbie author.
And thank you guys who found me for giving my book a shot! You don’t know what it means to know that people are reading what I wrote and mostly enjoying it.
Bullet Points
* Last month I mentioned and linked a flash fiction entry I had written for a contest by NYCMidnight called Finding Everen. This month I’m posting my second entry to that contest, called Miso.
It’s about a little robot who boots up to find that everyone in her meat packing plant has disappeared and her code is being gradually overwritten by a virus. I actually need a better ending for it, so if you are good at endings, please suggest away!
* I saw Endgame with my wife and close friend Saturday night. Wow. Did you see it yet? What did you think? I couldn’t believe how the Hulk cut Thanos up and ate him with a spoon! What?!?
Just kidding, no spoilers here.
I thought it was fantastic. There were two character’s stories I didn’t totally buy, but all in all I was really satisfied with how this loooooong saga has finally come to a close and made the way for whatever happens next in the MCU.
* I need to confess I’ve been working on something that has taken all my attention off the next Greysuits novel...
I’ve been writing a sort of memoir about my life. I’m closing in on the end of the rough draft, which is great, but the reason I’m mentioning it is I’ve been surprised how much thinking through different parts of my life has affected my feelings about my own journey and about the different people I’ve shared it with who are no longer as big a part of my life as they were.
(For context, I’m almost 40, so I have four decades worth of experiences and people to process.)
I highly recommend, even just for yourself, writing some kind of summary of your life. Work your way through the different stages and chapters of who you’ve been and who you have become and what you’ve survived and accomplished and the interesting and amazing people you’ve known along the way.
I can’t guarantee, but I predict it will be a meaningful and fascinating process and give you a stronger image of who you are and maybe even what you’re here to do.
Happy Cinco de Mayo and May the Fourth be with you!
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