Welcome To The Roaring 20s (They Came In Like A Wrecking Ball)
Update: obviously, when I wrote that title in January, 2020, I had no idea what was right around the corner.
Last month Wendy (my wife) got a promotion, which included a move to a thriving college town two hours north of us called Gainesville.
We kind of knew what we were in for, but we didn't know if she would get it.
She got it.
We've been looking at houses to buy (we found our realtor on YouTube). We've applied for bank loans. She's been interviewing people to hire for her new team. We've been figuring out school transfers. We put an offer on a house. Our offer was accepted. Her company is paying for movers to pack up our house, then in a couple weeks bring our stuff to the new house. We're trying to get rid of junk we don't need so we don't have to unpack it and say, 'this is junk we don't need, why did we bring it with us?' The oldest of our two vehicles decided to lose a cylinder, so will not be much longer for this life. We decided on an impromptu trip to North Carolina to drop off the kids with the grandparents.
Life is so exciting right now

So, we’re buying a house, the first one we’ve ever bought, and going through all the trauma of moving with a family.
It feels like every day every single thing is happening. Ever feel that way?
The writing has taken a backseat and is sporadic at the moment, but I am planning to dedicate a good chunk of time to getting the next book in the Greysuits series closer to publication over the next couple months.
My editor-in-chief has just read over it and likes it, but says the ending is weak so I need to do some more work, plus a lot of polishing.
I can't remember if I've previewed the cover yet, but this is what it looks like right now.

Thanks for keeping up with my journey as a speculative fiction author. It’s an honor and a privilege to have you along for the ride!
P.s. Have you read anything great the rest of us should be reading? Have you watched anything fantastic the rest of us should be watching? Have you played anything mind-blowing the rest of us should be playing? Or do you have your own version of the roaring 20s going on in your life you'd like to share about? Let me know!
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