A day in the life
Here’s a look at a normal day in my life right now. I don’t know why anyone would be interested, but hey, what else am I gonna write about?
Wake up at 4:30, leave home at 5:15 with 1st breakfast in hand, get to Bodacious Bagels at 5:30, load up bagels and out the door around 5:45, make drops at Coffee Haven and Central Cafe in Holliston, Red Barn in Southborough, Red Barn in Westborough and La Riviera Gourmet in Wellesley, back home around 7:15.
Feed cats, wash dishes, 2nd breakfast, work on creative projects, leave home at 9:45 back to La Riviera Gourmet in Wellesley. Pull in around 10, start van, clock in, grab tea and 2 waters (one for me, one for the chef), hit the road between 10:05 and 10:15 depending on what’s for lunch that day, pull onto 16, then 95 South, then 2 East, then off at exit 59 Arlington, pull up to the first French school, drop off cambros, plates, silverware, cups, cold food, etc., back onto 2 East to Cambridge, pull up to the second French school, drop off chef and cambros, plates, silverware, cups, cold food, etc.
Help set up tables for lunch line (stack cups, fill water pitchers, set up dirty dish stations, etc.), leave at 11:15 for German school, listen to On Point with Tom Ashbrook, drop off 10 foam boxes and 10 paper bags full of food to 10 classrooms full of bi-lingual kids and teachers, get back to Cambridge school around 12:15, help serve food and clean trays, pack up the van around 1:30, back to Arlington school to pick up the dirty dishes and leftovers, and back on the road, back to the ‘hestaurant’ (as my Brazilian colleague calls it) around 2.
Make a quick sandwich, off to pick up another co-worker’s daughter from her middle school, drop her off at home, head home or to the chiropractor, eat, drink, change, exercise and off to the library (where I’m at now) to work on Ocsplora and other fun stuff for a while, head home to eat dinner and hang out with the supportive wife, hop into bed around 10 (if I’m doing good).
Sounds busier than it feels, but it does get tiring. Except for the parts with Wendy and working on stuff I really care about. I do enjoy those parts quite a lot.
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