29 years down...
…91 to go.
No kids, no house, no career. And I couldn’t be happier. Not to say I’m not interested in those things, but, you know. Everything in it’s time.
If not for the grace of God, it could have easily been a really sad-looking, boring life so far. But thanks to him and despite every attempt on my part towards the opposite, it’s been an incredible journey and I’ve learned more each year than the year before.
I’ve traveled more in 29 years than most people in the world or in the States do in their entire lives. I’ve met loads of incredible and interesting people from all kinds of different places. I’ve lived in four different countries. I’ve explored. I’ve discovered. I’ve had more opportunities than anyone has a right to.
And now I’m ready to dig in. I’m ready to make a lasting difference in this world. I’m ready to step up and take my place. I’m ready to contribute to my neighborhood, my town, my state, my country and our world, to my family, my friends, the hurting, helpless and broken and most of all to that kingdom which has no borders, who’s passport is stamped on my soul and who’s king is the only one who can truly judge or save us all.
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