Subscribe to the Mudwash Interactive Newsletter Experiment
12 weeks of stories about different kinds of community, embarrassing overseas adventures, growing up Evangelical, the gradual and messy evolution of my faith/politics/beliefs, and adventures in marriage/family/stay-at-home-dadding.
Welcome to the Mudwash Interactive Newsletter Experiment (or M.I.N.E., because acronyms are fun)—a short-run, limited, pop-up email newsletter which will go out weekly for approximately 12 weeks from the beginning of October through the end of 2021.
The purpose of this experiment is to work out some of the bugs and kinks in a memoir I am working on about that favorite (and almost meaningless) buzzword—community.
Why would anyone want to read all these words of mine about all this life I've lived so far?
I don't know.
But there are people out there who think I've lived an interesting life, and I've been told I can sometimes be insightful, and occasionally I have been known to make people laugh.
And at least you know if you don't like it the suffering will end when 2021 does :)